Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Taking back the fight.

This article had me really worked up first thing this morning. Take a minute to read it and you see why.   

We are living in a backwards society. Where Christophobia is be coming an epidemic, the homosexual lifestyle is praised while babies are murderd in the womb. Men the blame for this solely falls on us. If we are the men of God we claim to be its time to make our stand. We have to be the leaders of our families. We have to defend life, defend traditional marriage. We need to stand like Daniel, who refused to bow to an idol and continued to pray to God. We have to be like David and take down the giant in our way. Guys we've become wimps, it's time to fight back!

Just a friendly reminder to those viewing this. I will not be politically correct because 99% of the time being politically correct is wrong. If your offended then good it means I did something right. 

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